Writing A Python Virus & Rickrolling My Class
Back in December 2021, I had this master plan of rickrolling my entire class. I didn't want to use the classic YouTube link method. I wanted to do something new. So I made this Python script that just puts the volume on max and plays Never Gonna Give You Up in the background whenever you have your cursor on something yellow. Then I made the script to a .exe file. Used a USB rubber ducky to copy it to some of the school laptops. The rubber ducky copied the files to the Windows startup folder so after every startup the program ran in the background :)You can check out the code on GitHub
Robot Equpied with Weapons for RoboWars
This was a 6 months project I was a part of. It was about making a robot car and competing in a battleground. I was in a due group, and we went by the name "HDMI". I was responsible for all the hardware and software aspects of the car. My partner was the one responsible for all the planning & designing of related things. Our car was powered by a Raspberry Pi, and controlled with a PS4 controller. It had a saw blade in the front that was driven by an extremely powerful drone motor. It had a buzzer as well that could send out extremely high pitched sound and thereby making the other contestants go mental :D You can check out the source code on GitHub and thanks to the instructors for arranging chips, drinks and popcorn for us every time.Here are some of the videos and pictures from the battle.